Sunday, March 22, 2009

Display Idea

A gallery owner gave me a great idea for displaying my work in a way that allows the buyer to shop within their price range. Display the pieces according to price range, grouping all pieces from the $50-$150 range together, with a small sign in one that reads $50-$150, and in the next case, $151-$250, and so on. Buyers will be drawn to the case within their price range, and you can better serve them with pieces they can afford.

1 comment:

joebeone said...

this is an example of what we call "faceted browsing". The idea is to categorize your work along a few axes (price, color, materials, subject matter) and then allow the user to browse a certain combination of features. Obviously, this gets complicated when you want to use more than one axis... for example, this is what Amazon and eBay do (look off to the left-hand margin when searching).